Monday, November 22, 2004


As one of the 269 million Americans who don't give a rat's ass about the NBA, I was somewhat pleased by the brawl Friday night, if for no other reason than it gives the league another black eye. But after watching it a few times, it was downright scary. How does anyone know (yet) whether or not Artest went after the right guy? How can that many people justify throwing cups, bottles, popcorn, clothing, and chairs in that situation? And how in the bloody hell can fans just end up on the court, and stroll right up to Artest with a fist cocked and ready to throw?

I can't fault Artest one bit for drilling that fat chump. But there's no excuse for going into the crowd. So my hat is off to David Stern. He stood up strong on this one and he needed to.

What caused all this? Respect. No, not a lack of it. A new definition of it. Mitch Albom explains.

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