Monday, December 06, 2004

Fan Indictment

Here's the best case made yet for calling out the Detroit fans for their role in the Palace Brawl.

Bad Science

The media is guilty of a lot of things. One of the most egregious errors that keeps popping up is the simple misreporting of science. This site highlights the ten worst errors of 2004, and serves as a good reference point going forward.

More Bad Science can be found at Dr. Alistair Fraser's site. I was a student and eventually an assistant for Dr. Fraser at Penn State. You won't find a smarter man without looking very hard.

Announcer Hell

Why is it that I ALWAYS get stuck with the CBS NFL telecast hosted by Dick Enberg and Dan Dierdorf? Listening to these two is like getting stuck on a scenic bus or train tour behind the two old farts who continually crack each other up while annoying the piss out of those around them?

Dierdorf made a Bruce Springsteen reference on Sunday and chided Enberg for not knowing who the Boss is. Enberg then fires back about two plays later that so and so is "Born to Run." Ugh.

Are NFL games broadcast in SAP?


I'm on board. There are lots of reasons to be in favor of's my favorite.

Clinton was impeached. He was impeached because he lied to a grand jury. He lied to a grand jury about whether or not he got a steamer in the Oval Office. The victims? One blue dress, and the stature of the presidency in the eyes of the critics and the romanticists. I'm not going to come down on one side or the other on this. The facts is the facts. Lie to a grand jury about getting your unit licked...get impeached.

Bush has not (yet) been impeached. However, he lied to the American People (tm) about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. The victims? Over 1000 American soldiers dead. Thousands more wounded. Countless Iraqis...some complicit, others not.

Ask yourself the simple question...which lie is worse?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Range Finders

They're the Tight Lies Tour. Why not? If you can plow through classic courses, jack up the golf ball, jack up the club heads, and jack up the shafts, why not take a tiny bit of guesswork out of the game? I'm in favor.

Self Serving

On the night the great Tom Brokaw steps aside, how does Hardball pay tribute? Well, they run a nice lengthy interview of Brokaw by Matthews. Then they top it off by showing composer John Williams and his orchestra play the entire (and I mean entire) NBC News theme. Maybe they'll take us on a tour of their studios next.

Oh God, they cap it off with staged shots of Brokaw, followed by Brian Williams. Touching, as in the feeling I get when I touch my finger to the back of my throat.

The Best Reason to Watch the 2005 Mets... to see if the players try to hook Kris Benson up with every skank ass groupie that comes near the team. Why would they do this? This is plenty of reason. So is this. And this.