Monday, December 06, 2004


I'm on board. There are lots of reasons to be in favor of's my favorite.

Clinton was impeached. He was impeached because he lied to a grand jury. He lied to a grand jury about whether or not he got a steamer in the Oval Office. The victims? One blue dress, and the stature of the presidency in the eyes of the critics and the romanticists. I'm not going to come down on one side or the other on this. The facts is the facts. Lie to a grand jury about getting your unit licked...get impeached.

Bush has not (yet) been impeached. However, he lied to the American People (tm) about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. The victims? Over 1000 American soldiers dead. Thousands more wounded. Countless Iraqis...some complicit, others not.

Ask yourself the simple question...which lie is worse?

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