Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Only Five Hours to Go

First off, Dave Barry has some good nuggets about Jack's motivation.  Bank branch managers are not sufficient reasons to halt removing the President.  His bleeding ex-slampiece is.  Warrants mentioning.
1) I'm still reeling from Secy of State Devane doing that throat thing to Jack last week.  NOBODY does that to Jack.
2) And that's why, today, Devane is floating in some lake.
3) I've driven some roads in California, surely not all of them.  But the ones that I've been on, where there's a precipitous drop off into a lake/ocean/ravine are most definitely bordered by a pretty meaty guardrail.   Yet Devane finds a clear shot into the pond. 
4) So Henderson and Audrey are each being taken back to CTU.  Surely nothing can go wrong there. 
5) My new most hated character is this second in command guy from DHS.  What a freaking dweeb.  Chloe needs to bitchslap him before the season is over.
6) Who the hell are these guys that President Dipshit is answering to?  And I DO mean "answering to".  And why do they all need to wear Bluetooth devices in their ears?
7) So Aaron is gone, Mike is on the outside looking in...dammit, I need a good inside guy around my President and I do not have one. 
8) Prediction: First Lady Designing Woman is going to get all up in Logan's grill before this is over and bitchslap him.
9) Here's the thing, it wasn't even a concern whether or not Jack was going to get on the plane.  Of COURSE he was getting on.  That's the only problem with how awesome Jack is - you *know* it's going to work out for him.
10) Speaking of which, hasn't this been a relatively torture and pain-free day for Jack?  Sure, Michelle, Tony, and now Heller have all died, and that sucks, but what has Jack had to deal with today?  Audrey's blood splattering his shoes...Kim's whiny boyfriend...random DHS guy tasering him.  Me thinks the flight next week doesn't bode well for our hero.
11) Jack conveniently finds a way from cargo to first class and gets all up in some air marshall's grill.

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