Wednesday, April 05, 2006


This might be the most ridiculous argument ever. Yankee fans are up in arms that Billy Wagner entered his first game as a Met to 'Enter Sandman' - the same song Mariano Rivera has used for the Yankees since 1997.

Only one problem: Wagner has used the song wherever he has been since 1996.

Chris Russo is up in arms about this. He says (paraphrasing) that you can't use that song in New York. It's Mariano's song. Uh, no, Chris. It's Metallica's song. That's it. You can end the argument there.

But I won't. Is Wagner supposed to defer to Rivera just because they play in the same city? Because the Mets play the Yankees six times this year? That's how often the Mets play the Pirates, Reds, Giants, etc., so should the Mets be on the lookout for any song overlaps there?

This is the Yankees' superiority complex in action, and it's total bullshit.

And David Wright is still God.

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