Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Katrina on the blocks

Here we go again.  Don't you DARE ever say anything bad about Detroit - even if it might be true. 

While I didn't watch enough of the Cup to say whose fans are better than whose, I do know that there were good seats available for at least some early round playoff games at the Joe.  Heck, when I lived there, you couldn't get seats for any game.  And Pittsburgh fans have always been good vocal fans - despite having to root for a moribund Pirates franchise and the perpetually threatening-to-leave Penguins. 

A local sports reporter who stands behind her opinion - good for her. 


Anonymous said...

What a silly little girl, Katrina is. Look, it doesn't matter if they are better fans or not. Admit that to your friends over dinner or when you are earning an extra buck slinging cocktails at the local French Tickler - not on FREAKING television.

If she were just some airhead who wasn't on TV, then fine, but you DO THIS FOR A LIVING, you D-bag!!! Detroit fans have every reason to be in a constant state of numbness - considering the economy, the Tigers, Kwame, and general lack of respect they get from other second rate cities around the Nation.

So leave em alone and sing the company tune while on television! Moron...

DJM said...

This is a big deal only because it was focused around Detroit. Any local sports reporter who said a similar thing would get some grief, but the sensitivities in Detroit are SOOOOOOO high that now it's a national story.

Has she been sh*t canned yet?