Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm onto something

Picked up 1/2 of a buyin through maybe 30 minutes of PLHE last night.  It always helps to have a maniac to your right.  Just fold...fold...fold...fold and watch him raise/reraise from any position with any marginal hand.  Just be patient.  Then when he pops it, you repop it with JJ, flop top set, and watch the chips fall into your lap.  Sadly, the table broke too early for my liking.

Then I took down a $10 HORSE SNG.  I've only played a couple of these, but they're strikingly similar to the $5 events.  There are at least a couple of people who have no clue.  There are a couple of strong players.  Last night was made extra special by the presence of an aggrodonk who got tilted in Stud8 when his low draw never connected, and the guy who scooped the pot simply typed "wow" into the chatbox.  Aggrodonk went on a rant and predictably busted out when...wait for it...he played a Stud Hi hand as if it were razz.  Focus a little more on the board and a little less on the chatbox, slapnuts. 

I notice that I'm *Far* more patient in these events than most other participants, and that I'm a bit better of a O8, Razz, and Stud8 player than most others.  The real key, though, is patience.  So many people see so many flops/4th & 5th streets and have to chuck their hands.  If you sit back and wait for the right spots - against the right opponents - you can easily turn profits on these. 

Of course, when you get to heads up as a 5:7 dog in chips, it helps to flop quad 3s in O8 and have your opponent bet into you every street.  It helps to nail some good razz hands too.  We started to slowplay the razz hands as we both were frustrated as hell with the bring-in - complete - fold nature of EVERY razz hand we played.  Until the last one, where I ended with a pair on 5th street, but with all five cards 8 or lower.  I had to call him and he turned over a made 97 which never improved for him.  Mine did, and now the bankroll is back at a healthy level.  More importantly, I think I've finally found a couple of niches that I can exploit for more consistent results. 

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