Thursday, February 09, 2006

How to spot an idiot

Idiots are everywhere. There are more now than ever before. Here's how to identify them. This is the first of an ongoing series.

- Anyone with jeans that are baggy, too long, and with a crotch that hangs down around the knees is an idiot.

- Anyone with a window sticker on the back of their truck where Calvin is peeing on a Ford/Chevy/Dodge logo, or anything else, is an idiot.

- Anyone who drives a low-rider pickup truck is an idiot.

- Anyone with a piercing of anything other than jewelry (i.e. a big hole in your ear) is an idiot.

- Anyone who installs a dual exhaust on their early 90's, ghettoed-up Ford Escort (or similar) is an idiot.


Anonymous said...

You need a better picture of the dual exhaust example. The pic of a vintage bug don't's SUPPOSED to have two pipes!!

I'll add to your list...

Any person who points to those who wear current youth fashion and calls them 'idiots' on his blog is....


DJM said...

Everyone's a critic...