Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mouse, Bug or Horse

Your recent post on women's curling is interesting - but certainly not surprising. I know you and you know me pretty well. I always knew you were a mouse guy. This chick is hot and the only thing better than women's curling is watching the 2004 Women's US Softball team dominate their competition and my late-night "quite time" - the VHS tape is starting to get very blurry on the close-up's of the...um...steller pitching...BTW, I have way too many of these all over my office at work...

I am a mouse guy too, but can be persuaded to the bugs as well - JF would qualify here. My wife is a mouse and my best friend back in D-town is married to a bug - good looking woman for sure, but definately a bug.

Three categories...they all fit into three categories. Like it or not, you are married to one of the three and ALL three are just fine. The horse might be a touch and go on some occasions, but there are many fine women out there that fall into this category - just none that I am personally attracted to....


jay lassiter said...

i HATE what NBC has done with Olympic coverage!
on the otherhand, i am fascinated with the curling thang!

DJM said...

Alright, you need to explain the mouse/bug/horse thing. I think I get it, but I need the full Webster's definition - for the sake of history and the sake of comedy.