Tuesday, February 07, 2006

SB XL Post Mortem

Well the Super Bowl sucked, but my main interest in the event all along was how Detroit would handle it. By most all reviews I've come across, they did a hell of a job. My hat is off to them. I've been out of town three years and I am amazed they turned downtown - at least temporarily - into a place decent enough to handle this.

Now the pressure really is on. Everyone sells stadiums, Super Bowls, etc. as major boosts to local economies. Detroit's economy sure needs it. So they need to keep the momentum going. Do some smart things. Capitalize on the buzz that the city generated this week. And then there's this: from The Detroit News More than half of the way down, they mention how the city is "mulling retaining a popular feature of Super Bowl week -- the Motown Winter Blast."

Come ON, people. You've created a little gem here - a reason to get people to hang out along Woodward in the middle of winter. And there's even a thought of cancelling it?

Keep the momentum going. A winning Tigers season would help, of course.

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